What do we play?

We play football – yes the real one – not American Football 😉

Where do we play?

We will play in Vienna.
The exact location needs to be confirmed, but we will ensure that it is easily reachable by public transport.

How many players per team?

We play 5 vs. 5.
That means 5 player per team at the same time on the field, but teams can rotate as they like so that as many can join.

Are there mixed teams?

Hell yeah – he/she/they – everyone is welcomed

We are a bunch of solopreneurs – can we join?

Yes of course – but we need 1 captain

When are games played?

We play weekly in the evening. The exact calendar will be shared timely.

Can we bring our crew?

The more the better – lets party together!

What is the play modus

One season = 3 months = 12 games
Every team plays weekly one game.
A game is 2x 20min with a 5 min break

How do we play?

We have a league structure,
2 divisions with 6 teams each.
2 rounds per season (so you have the chance for revenge) and a knock out final at the end of the season.

Any other questions?

If you have any other questions please feel free to reach out to us